Sunday, March 29, 2009

Close Attention

When someone you love is going through a hypomania situation, or upcycle, or whatever term they use for it. Be smart and be supportive. For those who want to know that hypomania looks like... there will be a conversation where several thoughts collide at once. The need(yes need not want or desire) for sex (best part) increases (remember if they don't get it from you they will get it somewhere, anywhere and it will put you and them at risk...) For those who have lovers that crash remember don't act like nothing is wrong but change the scenery change the pace. that will get them to open up, depression is a killer it sometimes follows an upcycle though some can avoid it. Also note if your significant other seems to be spending more or working more or both, slow them down. Let them take small breaks often take them lunch or snacks. Look for things like bitten nails, mildly compulsive behavior turn on music it helps. If you are the jealous type leave them now. Jealousy makes the disorder a million times worse.

Question of the day...

What would you do if you knew you were the only thing keeping your lover grounded???

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Change is tough

Change is good but it is tough. I understand the source of my constant uncomfortability the changes necessary are very tough. Many mistakes have to be answered for many things must be completed before can fully shake off all the burden that weighs on me. However I truly feel suspended right now. Stuck in that inbetween place between who I want to be and who I was. The pain of change runs deep, as carrie underwood once sung "it starts with goodbye." Well I now eagerly await this numbness to fade away.

Monday, March 16, 2009


As the new day approaches. I have found the answer to a question that has bothered me for a few weeks now. I have been trying to walk a line that I should never have. I must say Bill Cosby is right, "I may not know the secret to success but I know a guaranteed way to fail is to try to please everyone." Now I everyone off the ride is over. J officially surrender's to what I always feared was my darker self. This past weekend alot was resolved fixed. I've been freed of everything that was once holding my back. I was hoping to celebrate it all...

Question bonus....
when can the rain clear and leave more unhappiness than the snow????

St. Patricks Day

Wow another St. Patty's day has come on us. No drinking for me though I got too much work to do and not enough leverage to do it in. I give myself one more week then I will allow myself to go off into broker mode. No holding back at all.

Question of the day....

How long does one wait before they show all their cards to someone they want to be with.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


First road trip here we go...

I'm goin to visit my mother. I'm nervous but it'll have to do for now.

Question of the day....

Well we know what happens when a woman's fed up. what about when a guy's fed up???

Friday, March 13, 2009

Brand new day...

Hey its not Monday but i feel as if its a new beginning. Aiming to take and industry and jump my pay check by a couple zeros. I am feeling the meaning of Tim McGraw's song Live like you were dying which is posted on my Facebook.


If 90% of success is attitude and 10% preparation, why aren't we all more successful??

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Whoot Whoot

Congratualtions, I have stopped making angsty posts at least for today. Mozeltov. L'Chaim. It is a beautiful Thursday Pre-dawn morning and I have to get ready to be at the office. My exam is going to be a breeze and guess what I'm right and ready and hot to trot for the rest of the year. What has me in a good mood? I spoke to a man yesterday about life in general and he pointed out that I was upset about things I had no power over. What can I change about yesterday? Then he quoted scripture at me that made me realize even God tells you Carpe Diem fucker (Matthew 6:25). So as of this moment I'm putting it all out on the line.

Today's question....
Given the opportunity, what would you have Filet Mingon (yes wrapped in bacon) or a Chunk Round?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The gap between expectation and reality is what we call dissappointment. However the true measure of a person's strength is learning from the gap it is up to you to accept the gap as a permanent place in your life and be miserable or you can adjust your focus and move forward. Express your disappointment with a person and move forward or have him/her move on if they are stubborn.

Question of today....

Assuming you know the dark stuff upfront, would you allow the disappointment to ruin what the potential of a romance be?

P.S. if there are any questions you'd like an opinion on (I don't advise) put it in a comment and I will opinionate.

Good Morning Ichigo...

Morning oto everyone out there in the blogosphere. To answer my own question from the previous post... There is no excuse or reasoning or even chance to explain away something like sleeping with your significant others sibling, unless they are identical twins and you are so drunk your senses don't really work. Love is something unconditional there is no such an animal as unforgivable when you love someone. Please don't start that I need to love me more than anyone else I seem to be hearin in alot of R & B songs, cause frankly when you love someone and they love you back there is no me there is us. You take their side look at their hobbies find the middle ground between your want and theres. I hope someone disagrees....

On a positive note I'm going to push myself and actually start competing within the company who can argue with an all expense paid week in Hawaii? Oh and yes I get 1 extra ticket. Today is a great day regardless of what is going on with the economy, and many other regions of the world. As my great grand daddy always said as long as you breathe you can make the necessary adjustments. Now for todays topical question..

If your significant other had a disorder. Bi-polar disorder or Hyposexual tendencies (more sex than a village fantasy shop) when would you like to know in the beginning of the relationship or in the middle??

Monday, March 9, 2009

1st Topic

Please post comments to get this going...

What is love?

Is it the devotion to one person in all things including but not limited to sex, attention, or even vulnerability. Or is it a feeling produced by familirity. Or can it be the right balance of seratonin, dopamine, and a whole lot of chemicals I care not to research?

As I have seen it and as far as I have put out there I feel the word love is used wrong in this day and age. When you utter those words I love you to a person it should be as unconditional as the word is meant to be. Imagine if God (Or whatever benevolent deity you believe in. God is used since he has the most followers. sorry Allah and Budda you got owned in the numbers) loved the way we do. Love isn't fickle it doesn't completely abandon someone because of an unpopular decision.

My first critical thinking question is...

If your significant others brother/sister had you in the heat of the moment would you take the shot?

In your answer please indicate whether male or female.


I now have an outlet to write my opinions, thoughts, and feelings down. A few disclaimers that need to be addressed upfront. I'm not racist I'm an equal opportunity hater. Anything I say is solely my opinion. I believe in the first amendment I respect your ability to have different view points on things. I demand you respect my opinion too. Well in the up coming months i hope to not only entertain but spark debate (civil debate) and mature conversation. for now... enjoy.